Windows 10 and Pirated / Cracked Software

July 25th, 2016

Will pirated/cracked software that work on Windows 8.1 also work on Windows 10?
I do not know if Windows 10 has any preventive measures for such things.
Can any individuals who have already upgraded to Windows 10 and have pirated/cracked software confirm this?
(As in, does KMSpico work so that Microsoft Office remains valid?, etc.)
My main concern is that I do not want to risk losing valuable programs such as SolidWorks, Adobe, and Microsoft Office.
The feedback will help me decide if upgrading to Windows 10 is worth it.
If there is already a thread about this, please also point me to it. I tried to search for such threads.
Thank you!

Answer #1
Everything is working fine here. I have Windows 10 since 4-5 months. Why do you have this fear? They didn’t introduce some magic protection.
Answer #2
I guess I am just anxious because a new college semester is about to begin and I don’t want to ruin a good set-up by having to reinstall valuable software.
So I would like all the reassurance I could get that nothing has dramatically changed security wise. =]
Thanks for your comment btw!
Answer #3
The activation is the exact same as 8 which has been cracked to bits.
Answer #4
The activation is the exact same as 8 which has been cracked to bits.
The OS itself only needed a small edit to have the KMS emulator of 8.1 working on 10. Everything you need cracked, Windows 10 will most probably run it.
Answer #5
The activation is the exact same as 8 which has been cracked to bits.
The OS itself only needed a small edit to have the KMS emulator of 8.1 working on 10. Everything you need cracked, Windows 10 will most probably run it.

Correct me if I misunderstood this, but will I need to download a more current version of the KMS emulator for Windows 10 then?
Answer #6
The activation is the exact same as 8 which has been cracked to bits.
The OS itself only needed a small edit to have the KMS emulator of 8.1 working on 10. Everything you need cracked, Windows 10 will most probably run it.

Correct me if I misunderstood this, but will I need to download a more current version of the KMS emulator for Windows 10 then?

Would like to know this too, I used a generic Windows 10 Pro key and have KMS pico installed but it doesn’t seem to activate it
Answer #7
I did an upgrade to windows 10.
After that installed some kmspico, that little txt file say it is:
KMSpico v10.0.7 Beta Install Edition.
And my windows 10 is activated now.
Answer #8
You need the KMS emulators that just got released.
Answer #9
Thanks for your informations
Answer #10
I was using Sandboxie 4.20 on windows 8 with a cracked program. Upgraded ro Windows 10, SB 4.20 doesn’t work with 10, so had to get the lastest beta of SB, Now the cracked program will not open.
Don’t know if its Windows 10 or the new SB that’s stopping it.
Answer #11
Most software that worked with previous windows will work..
Some software will suffer compatibility issues with Windows 10..And that applies to both..Cracked and legit software..
No idea why the Poll..
Answer #12
Sandboxie is a program that heavily relies on the system. With the new version out you must update sandboxie behavior to suits the new OS. It won’t take long but obviously won’t work out of the box…


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