Pirated software

August 8th, 2016

Okay, I have a question lets say you use a program like Photoshop that’s pirated and you save a psd file would you be able to tell if its not legit?
Answer #1
In my country, Yes. Not sure abt the rest.
I live in Bangladesh
Answer #2
No you cannot tell if you used a pirate or a legit copy of phontoshop to make the PSD file.I dont think the PSD saves any kind of information about the serial or activation of Photoshop,
Answer #3
No, not by looking at the PSD file.
In fact, It’s hard to tell a pirated copy of photoshop from the legit one. The CS4 I’m using is registered under my own name, and it get’s all the latest updates. Same as the one that costs $225 in the store.
Answer #4
yea wat delta said i dont think its possible for them to find out
Answer #5
no, not possible.
i’m pretty sure 90% of people who are decent with photoshop and lurk GFX forums have pirated PS.
Answer #6
If your a company and you use pirated software, you should get originals now.
If you use it youself, just live on as usual.
Answer #7
So it would be okay if someone used it for school?
Answer #8
The school may get in trouble if you don’t remove it before a software audit.
We used a pirated copy during our assignment but removed it before the backup tapes so there was no easy trace.
Answer #9
So it would be okay if someone used it for school?
Can you use common sense, would you use pirated software in schools?
Don’t you think some kid or some IT guy like figure it out?
All software changes are logged in highschools through the server.
All they have to do is check it and see the computer’s registry.
Answer #10
No…its not possible mate
Answer #11
Saving PSDs won’t give away any information about the version of Photoshop you have installed on your system.
The file will contain the date and time you created the file, any additional comments you may write in the files preferences.
The only way your revealing yourself is by connecting to the internet right now if your not using a proxy, and also if you upload your PSD documents your also revealing your IP address, but the chances of someone finding out that your version of Photoshop is pirated (if it is) are very very slim.
Answer #12
I’ve had that thought before too; I talked to one of my mom’s friends (he’s an IT guy doing ecommerce stuff) about pirated Adobe / Macromedia Director files, and he said they might be able to figure it out.
I don’t know though.


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