August 31st, 2018
i have received a warning ” excessive bumping”
but i dont know what is ” excessive bumping”
please can anyone Explain
PS: i searched in rules but nothing found
Answer #1
Excessive bumping is when you reply to your thread saying something along the lines of “Thanks for downloading” or “Your Welcome” or similar.
You cannot do this more than …
August 31st, 2018
Hey guys!
I already know 3 languages, including English and now I’m learning Spanish. But, I’m finding it a bit difficult to learn because I have virtually zero exposure to it in my life. I learnt 2 as a child and the third, English, with lots of exposure.
I’m unsure as to how I could get the same exposure for … Read more...
August 30th, 2018
My Daughter Lenovo Flex 10 comes with Windows 8 STD Pre installed.
after a update the laptop did’t want to boot gives me the error on a blue screen :
The Boot Configureation for your PC is missing or contains errors.
Error code: 0xc000000f
i’ve tried to boot with Windows 8 USB UEFI bootable USB but … Read more...
August 28th, 2018
Since there are lots of 720p movie uploads i gonna buy a dvi to hdmi cable to watch the movies on my lcd tv instead of monitor but when you connect your graphics card to your lcd tv with dvi to hdmi cable where do you get the sound from? …that cable only carries video signals to your lcd tv … Read more...
August 27th, 2018
Is there a tool like virtual dub that I can use for AVC videos in MP4 container?
Answer #1
What are you trying to do?
Answer #2
Avidemux 2.5 and VideoReDo TVSuite V4
both good…
August 26th, 2018
ok this what happen if i open it the bios run and the next screen only show “_” on the upper left corner and just stuck there!!
when i try to repair it using the windows cd
windows files loading then it just stuck there again
do you know wat’s the problem cause i think it’s the HD but i’m … Read more...
August 25th, 2018
Can anyone suggest me a good and secure program for saving passwords and I mean like really secure… would be better if it doesn’t need an internet connection.
Answer #1
It’s not the program that is secure, it’s the passwords… keep them long and with various characters and you are ok. Use keepass to store passwords:
Get …
August 24th, 2018
Heres my issue. I have my computer to view shared calendar of my wife’s calendar and if i set up a date at 7pm tonight and she responds as accepted. but the problem is that I’m not seeing it update on her calendar that her 7pm tonight is blocked…. please help! what do i need to do. My 2nd issue … Read more...
August 23rd, 2018

That’s as clear a picture as i could get. Sorry. Anyone recognize it?
Answer #1
If you have a smart phone there is google translator..
It will tell you the language and translate for you, sure ive seen it for the comp as well, (hence why taking the time to look) but couldnt find it soz.. I only … Read more...
August 22nd, 2018
My boss has asked to look over his PC, Everytime it logs in fine, once i hit start menu or other programs it Restarts itself. I can boot into Safe Mode no Problem and Ive Scanned 3x of every app (Spyware, Malware, AV)
Tryed Registry Clean, HardDrive Checks and figured its gotta be Software Related
After bringing it home i …