Formating Extrernal Harddrive to Mac

January 25th, 2020

I have a 750GB Lacie external Hard drive and I recently bought a mac but I need some help!
What would I have to do to be able to install files on the external hard drive and use it as a normal hard drive for the mac? Say I download a 40GB file and I want to install it, but instead of doing it on the mac hard drive I install it on the external.

Answer #1
it is very simple to do. I believe that you have to download the file first to your mac, from your download folder and from your desktop you will drag it to your external harddrive icon on your desktop. Once you make sure that the transfer has been done properly and you are able to use the file on your external harddrive, then you will need to uninstall it from your mac by dragging it to the trash can and delete the trash can.


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