Two Routers on Same Network Infos

August 24th, 2013

i have a netgear dg834g v4 as my main modem/router and i got a new netgear wnr 3500l to use as repeaters or access point so the room in the other corner downstairs can have access to internet via wireless.
but am having some tough time, i know it might be me because after setup, when i unplugged the Ethernet from the wnr3500l and trying to connect to it via wireless it doesn’t work. but the irony is whenever i plug the cable back(connect both router through ethernet) it works fine.
my brain just shut cos’ i wait too much time on this and i think am making more mistakes.
if anyone been using two routers wireless or have ideas how can this be done easily please let me know, any advises recommended.

Answer #1
info for WNR3500Lv1
Scenarios when you need to configure your modem in bridge mode
Network design – Different ways of connecting to the Internet
How to connect to the Internet using different network solutions
Answer #2
To make this as simple as possible for you, Go into the Admin page on the 3500Lv1 and Disable DHCP, Run a Network Cable from the LAN Side of the First router to the LAN Side of the 3500 (Assuming you have a long enough cable), then connect from your Laptop/Desktop Wireless to the 3500, you will pull a IP from the First Router and have Internet.


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