Xbox 360 + Computer and DVD Player questions.

August 5th, 2016

I would like to play movies off my computer but on my xbox, does anyone have a tutorial on how to set this up please?
Also, what file type is it to play movies on xbox? The movie I have is in .avi, does anyone know a link for a converter (if I need one).
Also, what file type is it to play movies on a DVD player if I burn it to a disk?
Tyvm for the help.

Answer #1
The xbox 360 will play .avi files as long as they are played through the dashboard video player and not Windows Media Center.
The xbox 360 will play play .mp4, .avi, and .mpeg, and .wmv from dvd, other computer via streaming, or from its hard drive.
Answer #2
at the minute i tend to use a USB pen drive and put a few .avi movies on them and play it through my xbox.Only wish i could use .mkv files on the USB as i’d get alot more on the drive sine they’re so small.
Answer #3
So, I put the file on my USB stick and then plug it in the front and then where do I go from there?
Answer #4
My Xbox>Video Library
Then look for your device in the list and play the video from there (Assuming your videos are of one of the few codecs that the Xbox can play/download the codec for….which isn’t many!)
Answer #5
or you can download the many free media servers like ps3 media server, tversity(i’m using), nero media home. This way you can just stream like WMP11 to your 360


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