Xbox 360 Questions

August 3rd, 2016

Is it possible to transfer save files to a usb or computer like you can on a ps3?
And how do u capture gameplay?

Answer #1
As far as I know, the X360 can only read from a USB device, not write to one.
That said, you need to copy any saves to an X360 HDD or memory card.
You’ll need a capture card in order to capture footage taken from your console.
Answer #2
So could a copy the saves to a mem card?
Answer #3
If you unscrew the 360 HDD you can take out the actual drive and plug it into a SATA connector (the HDD is basically like a chassis with a normal drive inside) and access it without any special hardware. I think there’s some sort of signing on saves though if you plan on downloading them, but I’m not sure.
As for capturing, you’ll need a capture card as above said. Most only support standard definition. The more expensive ones (�100+) support HD.


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