Windows root\system32\hal.dll.

August 8th, 2016

Hey guys,
I need some help I have this error when I start my laptop – Windows root\system32\hal.dll.
Its says is missing needs to be reinstalled!
I don’t want install windows xp again is any other way to fix this problem? Any assistance or guidance will be much appreciated. Regards

Answer #1
Would copying the file to system32 help? i can upload the file for you…that’s if some spyware is not protecting the file…
Answer #2
Check these sites..
Good luck !
Answer #3
this must not necessarily be a problem with a missing hal.dll but could point to a missing boot.ini.
google for “hal.dll” and you will find different sources that deal with this problem. anyway, to resolve that problem without re-installing your windows xp again you should know how to
– boot your pc from a cd based os or
– build your harddisk into another computer and access it there
reason for this: you have to manipulate some files manually, e.g. copying the hall.dll to your harddisk or editing/creating the boot.ini
Answer #4
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/90662899/hal.dll
Download that, replace old file.
Hope this helps, TheAssassin.
Answer #5
Checked your boot.ini file?
Answer #6
Guys thanks for the heads up, but my pc doesnt even bootup properly I get the error as i have described earlier, is it another way to repair this ?
Answer #7
If you get this message when booting (and are not able to boot any further) it’s due to a corrupt registry. I’d bet that if you replaced the file you’d get a new message almost exactly the same but referring to a different dll.
I assume your error message is something like this:-
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
<Windows root>\system32\hal.dll.
Please re-install a copy of the above file.

What was wrong with windows is exactly what it says in the error message. Windows thinks that file is missing or corrupt, usually because the registry itself is corrupted.
If pressing F8 and using the ‘Last known good configuration’ doesn’t work you can replace the windows registry hives with earlier versions using a linux live CD like Wolvix (wolvix reads/writes to ntfs).
It’s a bit like the old scanreg /restore from Win98, a sort of limited system restore concerning just the reg files.
Your current registry files can be found here:-
Your XP’s system restore stores old copies in the C:\System Volume Information folder. Can’t remember the names used for the folders in there, but it’s a big mishmash of letters. Look for these files in a relatively recent folder:-
Then rename them as show below:-
Then copy the renamed files to C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\
This replaces the old corrupted registry hives with ones from an earlier point. WinXP should now boot
Answer #8
Not sure if you can boot in safe mode..but if you can’t get one of those windows live cds..boot from the cd and copy the file to the system32 overwriting the existing one…
Answer #9
If you get this message when booting (and are not able to boot any further) it's due to a corrupt registry. I'd bet that if you replaced the file you'd get a new message almost exactly the same but referring to a different dll.
I assume your error message is something like this:-
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
<Windows root>\system32\hal.dll.
Please re-install a copy of the above file.

What was wrong with windows is exactly what it says in the error message. Windows thinks that file is missing or corrupt, usually because the registry itself is corrupted.
If pressing F8 and using the 'Last known good configuration' doesn't work you can replace the windows registry hives with earlier versions using a linux live CD like Wolvix (wolvix reads/writes to ntfs).
It's a bit like the old scanreg /restore from Win98, a sort of limited system restore concerning just the reg files.
Your current registry files can be found here:-
Your XP's system restore stores old copies in the C:\System Volume Information folder. Can't remember the names used for the folders in there, but it's a big mishmash of letters. Look for these files in a relatively recent folder:-
Then rename them as show below:-
Then copy the renamed files to C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\
This replaces the old corrupted registry hives with ones from an earlier point. WinXP should now boot

Wow can I do this without having windows live CD
Answer #10
You need Hal.dll to copy .
you must copy to system 32 .
This link to download :
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/90670509/hal_DLL.rar
Password :
Answer #11
Thanks guys I managed fix the probelm I have reinstalled windows XP pro…..Cheers for all of you who helped me:-)
Answer #12
i need dis t0o.. for my other comp thaxXx guys..


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