System32 Problem. Please HELP!

February 7th, 2020

Lately I’ve been doing some fiddling around with themes, and some how, the appearance of all my folder icons changed. For the last month, I’ve been trying to change my folder icons back to the default yellow folder, but nothing works (yes i’ve tried right clicking a folder and then going to customize and changing the icon appearance, and i’ll choose default, but nothing changes).
So yesterday someone gave me their imageres.dll file from their windows vista system32 folder (i’m also running vista home premium). So i made a backup of my imageres.dll and then renamed it so it’s extension read “.old” Then i tried copying the new imageres.dll into system32 but it never works. It’ll say something like you need to provide adminstrator permission, so i allow it by pressing continue and for a split second it’ll appear like the file is going to be copied into system32 but it never does.
So, b/c I renamed my imageres.dll to imageres.dllimageres.old, i currently have no legit imageres.dll in my system32, therefore I have NO folder icons. It won’t let me rename the imageres.dllimageres.old back to the regular imagegres.dll.
Please help, i just need to get my folder icons back!!

Answer #1
It’s a system file..Not sure you can do it from windows while it’s in use…Try booting with something like a windows xp live cd and copy the file over…
Answer #2
It's a system file..Not sure you can do it from windows while it's in use...Try booting with something like a windows xp live cd and copy the file over...
never done anything like that b4. could u guide me thru it??
if so i’ll pm you
Answer #3
It’s not much to it…Just search in the applications section for Live…Get a vista or xp…your choice…Extract the ISO…Burn to CD as Image…Boot with the CD…there you have a windows that loads from the CD…


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