windows 7 vs windows 8

August 9th, 2016

Hello there i have windows 8 now every time i update the windows must go and active it what about you there still you using windows 7 ? Ultimate what it is last v of windows 7 out there
what do you think is best 7 or 8

Answer #1
Considering that it’s a lot simpler to get activated and running, i’d say Windows 7
Answer #2
As someone that just recently used Windows 8 for the first time….. I personally would stay with Windows 7 unless you have a serious need to use a touch screen device, which is what the Windows 8 platform was geared towards. I spent about 1 hour with Windows 8 and it sorta reminds me of Windows ME….. All the hype for something that nobody would use!! Skip Windows 8 and go to something that gives life meaning!
Answer #3
A FIX for U:
Answer #4
Windows 8 is faster compared to windows 7 but windows 7 is the best os compared to all the other windows os apart from windows xp which preety outdated now so from my side using windows 8 which is preety fast compared to windows 7


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