Solved-How to clean a Graficcard?

July 23rd, 2013

Hi everybody
i want to clean my graficcard becoz its very dirty and is not good functioning
how can i clean it ?

Answer #1
Use a paint brush or compressed (canned) air.
What do you mean by “and is not good functioning” ?
Answer #2
Roberto400 replied: Use a paint brush or compressed (canned) air.
What do you mean by "and is not good functioning" ?

thanx m8 for your answer
i mean it has many grafical probs and high temperature
Answer #3
asqarkabab replied: i mean it has many grafical probs
Such as?
asqarkabab replied: and high temperature
Could you be more specific? And what card is it?
Modern graphic cards can get very hot, So it’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Answer #4
Roberto400 replied: asqarkabab replied: i mean it has many grafical probs
Such as?
asqarkabab replied: and high temperature
Could you be more specific? And what card is it?
Modern graphic cards can get very hot, So it's not necessarily a bad thing.

I have a MSI Geforce 9800 GTX
Graphic probs like the game is hanging and many graphical errors
Answer #5
Your Grafick card could be broken already,
does it have artifacts ? stripes true your display ?
color changing in windows.. or many other symptoms.
then you can trow it away (if out of warranty ofcource..)
Clean it out , only advise i can give you there is do it like i do it on my job , Compressed air (you can get cans of this…)
and just blow al the dirt and other things out … !!
no need to be sensitive with it … can handle allot …
hoped it helped =)
Answer #6
If you are cheap you can use a vacuum but be careful.
Have you tried updating the driver?
Answer #7
Canned air don’t use Compressed air on pcb’s its ok for fan panels and case fans though
Answer #8
thanx for your answers guys i wiil buy this compress air on Saturday i hope its function
Answer #9
just unscrew the GPU and let the heatsink come off into your hands. you can easily clean the VRAM chips then you could just use a vacuum to clean the heatsink (whilst its disconnected from the GPU)
My GPU died 2 days ago i know the feeling luckily i got a HD6850 for £90
Answer #10
Ste#. replied: just unscrew the GPU and let the heatsink come off into your hands. you can easily clean the VRAM chips then you could just use a vacuum to clean the heatsink (whilst its disconnected from the GPU)
My GPU died 2 days ago i know the feeling luckily i got a HD6850 for £90

u mean after im disconnecting my graphiccard i must open the graphiccard ??
Answer #11
just take your gpu out and open it up, its quite simple if u have a small screw driver. and u have the common sense to not lose anything from it
Answer #12
Ste#. replied: just take your gpu out and open it up, its quite simple if u have a small screw driver. and u have the common sense to not lose anything from it
but how my graphiccard has not screws to open
becoz its covering by glass
Answer #13
solyendo replied: If you are cheap you can use a vacuum but be careful.
Have you tried updating the driver?

yes m8 i have updated it with the newest driver but i have graphical errors


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