[SOLVED] Clean install of W7 Home and get error messages when I installed drivers

August 7th, 2016

Long story short, I formatted my Laptop with Home edition 64bit and downloaded the drivers for it, all went well until I restart the laptop and get these 4 messages, I click run on all of them and they seem to go, until restart and they’re back again.
Sorry for big pictures, I’ve formatted this laptop before (ages ago) and never had these messages so not sure if they;ve changed drivers or something. Any help on what to do?
LATE UPDATE: Appreciate the suggestions. Solved it now by unticking the boxes and not had any issues since.

Answer #1
Go to the path of the files listed above > Right click on the exe > Properties > Unblock File.
Answer #2
Did you try unticking the box that says “Always ask before opening this file”?
Answer #3
Like says should get them loaded painlessly.
You can check this site for info about the files…eg


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