[SOLVED]Do I need to have clean partition to install VISTA?

January 23rd, 2020

I have XP installed and I want to dual boot xp/vista…now i have a partition with my stuff and I want to install vista there…will it delete my stuff? Do I need to create another new partition?
Answer #1
Yes it will delete all your stuff. You need to move all your stuff somewhere, preferbably an external hard drive. After you install vista on the partition, you can move it back. Or you can create a new partition and keep your data there.
Answer #2
You can back-up all your stuff in to DVDS or you can create another new partition if the PC lets you
Answer #3
No it won’t delete nothing…When you get to the stage to choose which partition to install vista in…Highlight the partition and go on install…As long as you don’t go on Drive Option and format..Then no change to your partition…But the partition need to ntfs…
Answer #4
Better to be safe then sorry. I would back it up asap.
Answer #5
backup, format, install


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