Rules against downloading warez in Russia

August 6th, 2016

I will be moving to Russia soon…
Need to know if I can continue using torrents and !
Would be great if you’ll could share your experiences….
That apart, do they check your hard disks at airports?

Answer #1
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.
Answer #2

That apart, do they check your hard disks at airports?

No. Airport security do not care what is on your laptop. Its not their job. They are not interested. At very most, they may confirm it is a “real” laptop by powering it on.
Answer #3
As for the airport security, and as draconian as this may seem and it’s pretty much consistent, a border guard can confiscate your laptop at any time and without cause. This isn’t just a flying rule; this could also happen if you’re driving across a border.
Now do they? Not unless you’ve been flagged for example as dealing in trade secrets etc aka Snowden.
For torrents / – sorry I don’t know what the legal stance is in Russia.
Answer #4
You should be safer than in the US for instance.
From what I can Google, they don’t have laws against or copyright.
Plenty of sights there and Rapidgator is hosted in Russia..
Answer #5
All the best comes from Russia/Russian sites, so I can’t see you having much problems. For example ……..
#4.2 If you choose to post a link it should benefit everyone and must not be a site of the following categories:
Web hosting. Referrals. Affiliation. sites. Sites that require registration, subscription or a fee to access. Removed

Answer #6
The potential issue I see is in Vladimir Putin’s attempts at controlling and limiting the internet. As I recall, he passed a law requiring ISPs to keep usage logs of users. You may want to google Putin internet.


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