Downloading from Warez-bb

August 8th, 2013

Hey there!How can I download a couple of things from warez-bb without getting back.I mean,how to do it all from once,not one by one.[/u]
I want to download one TV Show and i don’t want to download episode by episode,i want it all to download (like torrent).Help!
If you are unsure how to use code tags or would like more info, please check the sticky in the Helpdesk section or PM me.
Link(s) coded. -digztytwo

Answer #1
Use JDownloader, uploaders normally upload episode by episode so it’s easier for people to download if they only missed one episode and doesn’t need to download the whole season just for one episode
Answer #2
Use IDM Best for Premium Account.
Answer #3
Use imd if you have premium & add batch..from clipboard after you copy the links
Answer #4
free user = jdownloader
paid user = internet download manager (idm)
Answer #5
Am going to write these codes always whenever my new episode starts downloading?
Answer #6
Nigguh replied: Am going to write these codes always whenever my new episode starts downloading?
Each file you download will require to enter captcha code
Answer #7
What I do is use an unrestrained multi downloader like fast-debrid..Cost for premium is cheap.
You can then copy and paste all your links into it, press the button to convert, then highlight all the converted links,
Right click and download with IDM
Other downloaders are real-debrid and all-debrid
You may have trouble with Fileserve links however..


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