New tv release rules?

July 24th, 2013

I’ve noticed for the past week or so more and more tv shows are only being released in x264.mp4 format not the usual hdtv.avi format.
Is this the new release format that the groups were talking about a while ago? Or is the old format still going to continue to be released.

Answer #1

Answer #2
it’s newer than avi and is similar to the blu-ray format
both format’s should continue to be available
Answer #3
thanks guys.
Guess it just takes a little longer now for avi format to be released since the two main tv groups are releasing x264 (lol n asap)
Good old 2HD still keeping the avi alive haha
Answer #4
The mp4 (x264) releases are still the same quality, just less in size. (Which is handy for those with slower connections)
I’ve been downloading a few of the x264 releases, and to me, they look exactly the same.
Answer #5
I cant seem to find much x264 releases (.mp4) there’s a recent release of a TV Show but its in .avi and .mkv (720p)
But yeah hope they continue to release the .mp4
Answer #6
evapoison replied: Hi,
I've noticed for the past week or so more and more tv shows are only being released in x264.mp4 format not the usual hdtv.avi format.
Is this the new release format that the groups were talking about a while ago? Or is the old format still going to continue to be released.

I cannot say that I have seen any, however I don’t look for them as they are of no interest to me.
Let’s hope that we don’t go back in time and get lumbered with Mp4 once again. It’s an old and outdated container which doesn’t work well. It’s far too limited and only serves certain companies interests. I don’t think it should be encouraged or used. If people purchase devices that only work with Mp4 containers then there should be a penalty IMO.
These lame ass scene groups should stop supporting the large corporations which are attempting to annihilate them.
Mkv all the way.
Answer #7
Companies like Sony cut their own throats with lack of Mkv support!
Whereas other brands like Samsung, have Mkv support built into their TVs and whatever..
Answer #8
Nel replied: Companies like Sony cut their own throats with lack of Mkv support!
Whereas other brands like Samsung, have Mkv support built into their TVs and whatever..

Most TVs with USB port now support MKV. Sony has always been late to come on board. Sony players (DVD/Bluray) only started to support srt (simplest subtitle format) recently.


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