quick question

August 4th, 2016

I really am not sure if this should go into the apps request section or this section, anyway my question is that when I download files (everything) off the internet from all of my computers (which are all connected to the same router) they all end up corrupted when I try to run them. I don’t use download managers and have scanned my computer of viruses, so my question is there a program which can detect the problem. Thanks
Answer #1
thats weird
Answer #2
Sounds like this belongs in the helpdesk area.
Corrupt files are either corrupted before you downloaded them or they were effected before reaching you. If everything you download is corrupted, then either you have a very poor choice in downloads or there’s a registry error on your system. Some programs can repair corrupted downloads, but it’s usually caused by incomplete downloading (ie, a zipped file is downloaded incorrectly and is missing an important part, which causes it to say it’s corrupt).
Some programs say they can fix corrupted files. At other times, redownloading it works because it does it correctly the second time through. But if everything you download is corrupt (including, say, an installer for Open Office, Flash, Java..) then it’s an error with your registry. A quick fix is making a backup of everything and doing a fresh install, but that’s best used as a last resort if all else fails.
Things you should mention are your operating system, type of files you’re downloading (specific examples) and the exact error name you’re receiving. That way the root of your problems can be found
Answer #3
that would suck
Answer #4
If you’re talking about RAR archives, reparing them would help. When I was new to I had the same problem with rar files so I used to redownload them. later I realised that repairing would set it right.
Answer #5
ask in the helpdesk mate. there are people there who can actually solve tuff issues
Answer #6
if its a rar file u r downloading and downloaded with different computers and still is corrupt, i would say its a problem with the upload. if thats the case u can request the uploader to reupload.
Answer #7
that wasn’t so quick
Answer #8
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.
Answer #9
alright thanks for your help but it turned out that I just had to reset my router a few times. Thanks anyway


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