Quick question about Fps

August 5th, 2016

In a CoD4, is it normal to have higher fps looking up and down than looking straight ahead?
I averaged 60-70 Fps looking in the sky
20-30 Fps looking straight down at the ground
10 or so fps looking straight ahead
I have more fps when i am inside a building than when i am outside.
I know it has to do with my gfx card, but is this normal or pc? Is there a way to increase fps w/out buying a new card? (All settings are at low)

Answer #1
You can try overclocking your gfx card… search for PowerStrip on here. It’s a program that allows you to overclock it easily without changing any BIOS settings. But be careful, only do it in small increments. Keep raising the speed and test performance until the game freezes or crashes. That’s when you’ve overclocked it too much, so go down to the setting below it.
Also, if you’re using an image capture program like fraps, DON’T!!! It absolutely obliterates your performance. If you’re interested in capturing video, you can use the console function /demo to record. If you’re interested I can post how to do that.
And make sure you have no other programs running, especially things like xfire, as that will kill your fps.
Answer #2
I don’t think overclocking an Intel GMA x3100 will work. I know that this card isn’t meant for gaming but i have seen someone playing cod4 without any lag using this card and i dont use fraps. I used the console to find out how many frames per second. But if i can overclock on gma x3100 then i guess i can try.
Answer #3
yes that’s normal
distance means a more complicate view where things need to be scaled and shaded or whatever
Answer #4
the more there is going on onscreen the longer the frame takes for the graphics card to draw, hence the lower FPS. looking at the sky = not much except the skybox and some lighting effects = high FPS
outside = lots of detail needed = low FPS
inside = less detail than outside = higher FPS


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