Quick Question

August 3rd, 2016

Hi, I have been building a computer some may know. I have ordered everything for it. What you need to know for this is that I ordered the ASUS P6T Deluxe V2 and a Core i7 920 Processor. Now I have ordered a 6gb Ram from Dabs…..But The Ram is out of stock and has been all week.
The Ram I ordered is http://www.dabs.com/products/ocz-technology-ocz-ddr3-triple-channel-6gb-kit-5J68.html
But I was looking around to find some in stock ones elsewhere….I bumped into this one from ebuyer. http://www.ebuyer.com/product/158392 And I got to thinking about which is better! They are both same make (OCZ) both CL8-8-8-24, both at 1600Mhz and both at 1.65Volts.
So I couldn’t work out the difference and couldn’t see which is better. So now I am asking you guys which one you guys say is better and more worthy of buying. Please give me your answers…Thanks in advance
EDIT: If anyone is looking for a new RAM that may be better….I only have �127.24 left to use

Answer #1
My honest opinion with computers is that in real time work (games, CAD programs…) you can’t notice those little
differences between memories.
just buy the cheaper one of the two.
Answer #2
I mean all the stats match up…just wondering is the gold layers XTC version makes much of a difference
Answer #3
no they don’t.
Answer #4
Indeed, just buy the cheapest, they’re not that much difference.
Answer #5
OK….cool…thanks will buy those
Answer #6
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.


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