MP3’S not playing

August 12th, 2013

I downloaded few MP3 files from the internet and they are playing well in my computer. But, when I loaded these files into my pen drive and tried to play in my home dvd player, few MP3’s are playing and for few others it does not play!
Kindly suggest what I have to do to solve this problem. Thank you.

Answer #1
Are you a 100% certain all the files are MP3s?
You could try running the files through a converter and maybe reduce the bitrate just a little bit and see if that works
Answer #2
Some dvd players don’t like VBR, they need CBR – you may have used VBR for somne of the mp3’s
Answer #3
Thank you.
Answer #4
Mediainfo can give you the file details..
Answer #5
Mediainfo is built into media player classic HC now.. VERY handy!
Answer #6
Thank you all. As regards Mediainfo, though I have not used, it must for using media in a computer, As it is the downloaded files are playing well ina computer and I have difficulty only in playing in a home dvd player. Anyway, I have checked the extensions and all are of MP3 formats.


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