How do you download files for 10+ hours without restarting?

August 8th, 2016

Hi, I’m downloading some games and it’s taking 13-17 hours. I got very close yesterday with CoD4 with 5 hours left but my internet turned off so I had to re-download. What I do is leave my computer on while it’s downloading and that usually works but I guess if it’s 10+ hours the wireless shuts off. Is there a mode I can put my computer in so it doesn’t stop the download? Thanks for the help!!
EDIT: And I’ll be in school tomorrow, so I would get very mad if the download stopped. 10 hours left = 10 AM = I’ll be in Math.

Answer #1
U r downloading from?????? which host ? If you are a premium user then I don’t see any problem when your internet line shuts off. If you are a free user then you could be in trouble for not having resuming support, Try MediaFire, they give resume support for free user.
Answer #2
I’m actually downloading from or something. It’s an .iso.
Answer #3
If you use a good download manager can can resume your downloads if they stop, get interrupted or power failure without having to re-download them.
Answer #4
Why don’t you plug directly into the line? Or change your wireless mode to minimal power saving in power options.


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