Help me edit this cover letter

November 5th, 2013

To whom it may concern
As all non-native students must demonstrate their English proficiency in order to get accepted into (Xx) University, I kindly ask you to exempt me from sending in IELTS or TOEFL results, and treating this letter as proof that I am a fluent English speaker.
From my youngest years I have been brought up in an English speaking society. Over the years i have attended Canadian college and university where I improved my English in all academic matters. I have learnt problem solving and critical thinking; English has become the language in which I learned to think in.
I believe that, even tho my mother tongue is (Xx), I should be treated as a native English speaker.
I kindly ask you to look over this matter and exempt me from sending in other proof of language proficiency.
Yours sincerely
want to change whats in bold is it correct or how else can i say that ?

Answer #1
and treating this letter as proof that I am a fluent English speaker.
Problem with that is, anyone could have written the letter for you. You need to ring them up, find out which department (and who) to write to and also get some info about writing such a letter because you could very well be wasting your time.
Answer #2
Saturnsid replied: and treating this letter as proof that I am a fluent English speaker.
Problem with that is, anyone could have written the letter for you. You need to ring them up, find out which department (and who) to write to and also get some info about writing such a letter because you could very well be wasting your time.

dont worry at least it will be good practice i just want to edit the part in bold want to say it in much better way
any help is apreciated


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