Can I Assign a USB a Drive Letter? (G:\)

August 7th, 2016

Here is thing, I have like 6 USB storage devices, a few of them are configured a certain way I like them to be, and I have icons assigned to folders when opening the USB device.
Sometimes I may happen to one day plug-in a USB device an it reads as a Drive Letter that was not originally assigned when I configured the device, so when that happens the way I configured the device does not get read because it has a different drive letter.
Is there anyway to assign a drive letter to my USB drive in the event when I plug-in one of my USB devices an it’s not being identified as the drive letter that I desire, I could change it?
Thanx in advance.

Answer #1
Run diskmgmt.msc then right click, Change Drive Letter and Paths
Answer #2
As said for drive letters, and you can also rename them for easy identification (useful if you have some similar drives).
Answer #3
I think may have already assigned drive letters and names.
How to assign drive letters..

What I would suggest is to use drive letters at the bottom of the list such as X,Y, and Z.
This way they will be less likely to be taken over by new devices that are plugged in while your regular devices are unplugged.
Answer #4
you will need free drive letters for the odd drive you connect
I name my removable drives higher letters (starting with G should be OK) to prevent connecting another drive overwriting my naming scheme
I also assign A & B to my most used flash drives so they don’t mess with my scheme
Answer #5
If you install USB Safely Remove you can set it to not assign certain drive letters.


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