ATI Hybrid Graphics

August 7th, 2016

I have a GA-MA790GP-DS4H motherboard with HD3300 and Phenom X4 9850. I was just curious if it were compatible with the 3870×2 if not what 3000 series cards are. Also if hybrid will work in windows 7. I’ve tried google but it gave me a lot of conflicting answers.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Answer #1
You mean crossfireX? If your motherboard supports crossfire/sli and you have the bridge to connected the cards, then yes…i am assuming so.
Answer #2
my mobo supports crossfire and also hybrid meaning you are able to combine a compatible chipset with a discrete video card i think. i just want to know what cards are compatible with my mobo when using hybrid feature. thanks
Answer #3
You can also find Combination Options Chart there which says how you can combine cards and which chipsets your mobo needs.
Here, these chipsets are supported and you can find this cart on FAQs line 4. What motherboard is required for a CrossFire system? on bottom of that section is View Combination Options chart:
edit: oh now I see that your card has 790gx chipset which is compattible with crossfirex and with 3870×2
Answer #4
wow thanks, and i’m guessing the 3870×2 is the highest card i can use right?
Answer #5
Yes, no… I don’t know. Well if you see that chart, look at AMD790GX and look those dots next to it, then follow them all the way up and you will see all cards that can be installed on you mobo, and, as you can see your mobo supports EVERY single card that is listed as CrossFireX compatible -.- so highest would be HD4870.
I have 2 4670 crossfired on Intel P45 motherboard.
BTW, you said you have 3300? that can be crossfired BUT dude, if you put stronger card next to it the stronger card will ”weaken” itself and will work on specs that slower card works. That would mean if you have 3300 and put 3870×2 next to it, 3870×2 will work on 3300’s frequency… you know what i mean? Like putting Nissan Micra next to Ferrari F430.


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