Install windows (7) on hybrid drive

January 24th, 2020

Hi all,
I am not worried too much what hybrid drive is or how it works.
Basically, I need to know how to install system on it.
It ” looks like ” there are two hard drives in the laptop in PE (Windows Preinstallation Environment).
The first one is “SSD” cache, 24GB.
The second one is normal Mechanic HD.
I use install.wim file to install windows 7. Extract all files to the primary partition in the normal HD, and then go from there.
Is this the correct way to do it??
Do I have to format the “SSD” (the hybrid drive) ? Can I format it?
How do I make use of it after I finish install the new system? Do I need any drivers?

Answer #1
Unless you are trying to do some sort of an upgrade, you must install Windows from a bootable Windows install DVD or USB flash drive.
You start with a Windows ISO and but it on the DVD or USB as shown here…
Just treat it like it was a normal partition and Windows DVD/USB should format and install on it OK..
Remember to set your Bios so your boot Disk/CD has first priority and the 24GB drive is second on the list.
Answer #2

Just treat it like it was a normal partition and Windows DVD/USB should format and install on it OK..

Thanks. I usually start a PE and then install system by extracting the files from install.wim All I am asking is then HOW do I make use of this “SSD” cache? Do I need to install some drive and activate it?
Answer #3
You don’t need to do anything, over time it will detect your most used files etc and reserves the SSD cache for quicker access to these items, so don’t expect any miracles immediately, it still won’t compare to a full SSD even at full potential.
Answer #4
Having a brief Google, it seems that you may want to check out forums for your brand of drive, so that it gets set up for maximum performance.
Some say there is a SSD partition and some say it is just a cache and you don’t actually instal on it yourself but that it gets used automatically?
Answer #5
.... some say it is just a cache and you don't actually instal on it yourself but that it gets used automatically?
That’s the money shot , I’ve got a Momentus for Games and the SSD component is just a cache. Its strange how it works, in normal use its fine games load quickly and run fine, but if you do a benchmark of the drive it performs worse than a WD green


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