Install Windows xp from Usb flash drive

January 26th, 2020

I had look around and only found the method for installing windows in usb flash drive but what i want is install windows xp using usb flash drive. Any ideas how to do that?
Answer #1
I had look around and only found the method for installing windows in usb flash drive but what i want is install windows xp using usb flash drive.
You just said you’ve found that method, and what you are wanting to do is the same method. What are you talking about lol?
Answer #2
fink he wants to install windows onto a pc usin da flash drive instead ov a windows cd not sure wat hes on bout
Answer #3
he said he wants to install windows onto his pc from a usb stick, but only the guides so far tell you how to run windows pe ON your usb stick.
i install windows all the time using my usb flash stick, follow these guides:
but find the method using the winnt.exe method, it’s by far the easiest.
Also, read my reply on how i do it:
ask me if you need any help with it…
Answer #4
Thanks … I was just about to ask the question myself… Is there any way to install Windows onto a PC from a USB Flash Drive?
Looking at your links now.
Answer #5
I see the links are Bart PE, so I take it that there is no way to install a normal version of windows xp from a flash drive to a partition on a hard drive?
Answer #6
Answer #7
Answer #8

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