windows update…are they worth it?

July 25th, 2016

yea pretty much the title there.
i heard from my friend that updating windows will make your computer slower and stuff, is that true?

Answer #1
Yes, it’s Microsoft’s goal to bog down your computer.
Answer #2
updating windows will make your computer slower and stuff, is that true?
think it was with XP
my jury is still out for 7
Yes, it's Microsoft's goal to bog down your computer.
M$ could care less if your not a corporate user
security is the main goal of win update, not speed
personally I think win update is the biggest scam going
all it really is, is a corporate security blanket I’ve NEVER run win update
Answer #3
your choice. slow computer or hacked computer. Im not exactly a fan of MS updates, however keeping your comp. patched is a necessity if you wish to stay clear of exploits.
Answer #4
I turn on windows update always, and they din’t slow down my PC. I did run maintanance tools regularly though.
Answer #5
I’ve been using windows update up till now. My PC is running normally, I don’t experience any slowness.
Answer #6
of course you have to run windows update! microsoft regularly releases updates patching exploits; sometimes very serious ones. i have always been running ms updates and never noticed any slowing down.
Answer #7
You should update but rather than simply clicking have a look at what is being installed.
Several of the updates do clog up your system as they are supposed functionality updates and not security updates. Windows 4.0 Search on XP is an example of this.
Answer #8
Answer #9
If you have w7 then download updates if you have XP turn them off
Answer #10
On this forum is new edition win 7 with updates? for example : is: “..Genuine.Updated..”
Answer #11
Update unless it’s proven to be malicious.
Answer #12
If you have w7 then download updates if you have XP turn them off
Can you explain, why you say this?
Answer #13
That is, if already a version of “utuched”? Are here newest versions win7 (later from june 2009, build 7600 ?)
Answer #14
i have one computer runnin xp and one running win 7 and i never update them…..i dont like update them lol


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