Windows security center service

August 8th, 2016

After i reinstall win 7 x64 i can’t turn off this information which i always get when i turn on PC
I click on “Turn on…” but after restart i again get the same message. What exactly Win wants to do?
here options from there
do i need something other to configure? And does Win 7 has some options turned on by default which is not secured for user? Network sharing etc

Answer #1
Look for the Security Center service in the list of Windows services and try changing the Startup type to Automatic
Answer #2
Get rid of it completly.
ED; I mean Uninstall it Completely… Turn it OFF
U dont need it.. Its Useless… hogs ya com… and Installs crap when U dont want it or need it.. if ya dont Believe….. Turn the crap off and see for yourselves .
U can always turn it back on .
ED: In DEPTH on services required or Not:
Answer #3
You are right, thanks! Is it ok how i configure it?
What exactly you want to tell me? I do not get it
Answer #4
“Is it ok how i configure it”
Start – search for “services” without quotes – click on Services – now search for Security Center or click on some service and press “s” – you will see it – right click on it – properties – under first tab you will see “Startup type” – not sure what to choose but I will write my startup type – Automatic (Delayed Start).
And that should be it, I think
“What exactly you want to tell me?”
I think that he wants to say – “who is using Security Center, you don’t need it at all”
Answer #5
‘Security Centre’ is normally set to ‘Automatic, delayed start’ and is ‘Started’.
You can read the description about it in “Services”.
You could turn it Off and set it to manual or Disable. If not wanted?
Answer #6
When i said “Is it ok how i configure it” i meant on second picture .
How i see this service is not important. Do you guys have turned off? @ thanks for that site.
And please answer me on my question:
do i need something other to configure? And does Win 7 has some options turned on by default which is not secured for user? Network sharing etc


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