windows 7 icons disappear

August 6th, 2016

I have windows 7 (7100), and all out of no where 3 months into the install my desktop icons disappear. I tried changing it in personalize and un-clicking the check boxes then re-clicking them but they wont come back.
No viruses, I got ESS 4.0.

Answer #1
No viruses, I got ESS 4.0.
Just because you have an anti virus software does not mean that you do not have any vruses. There could be a virus that slips through the gap as no anti virus is 100%. You can get really good ones or really ~love~ ones but none of them can stop all the viruses. Also you are running a release candidate version of a windows operating systems, its like saying I am running the beta version of a game and saying it has got flaws in it. There is something wrong with it and if it is not important just fomrat your computer.
Answer #2
Trying doing a full scan for your computer on safe mode


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