Vista down WinXp Up
August 5th, 2016
I am trying to take down vista (official) that i got with laptop and put WinXP , since we all know that Vista Sucks Ass, and problem comes when i get to the point where i need to chose:
Press Enter To Make Fresh Install of WinXP
Press R to Repair Allready existing WinXP
Press F3 To Quit Setup
No mather what i select i get same problem, that hard disc cant be load(found) , and it start with restarting laptop… anyone was in similiar situation that can share experiance with me , since this is something that happaned to me first time….
the problem is that winx is older that vista so it wont format the computer, try using win 7 it really good
try useing windows 7, all my freinds have it and sat that it is like 100x better then XP, and way better then vista.
Uses less ram then vista, and is much better