Treo 650 Custom Ringtone

January 27th, 2020

Hi I was wondering if anyone know some good metohds/programs to which i can add custom ringtones to my treo 650 without having to use the internet on the treo. I found a method using google that requires me to use blazer but i can’t use my blazer because i do not have a internet plan. Thanks for any help.
Answer #1
Have you got a cable to connect the phone to pc? Use that
Answer #2
what about tossing them on the sd card, and using the program called RINGO. real good program for treo
Answer #3
i use midi files.
just copy them to the sd card and open them in treo …they will be automatically copied in the internal drive.
Answer #4
is it possible to put ringtones on the phone memory itself,without using ringo? cause i wanna use my SD card for strictly music


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