Thinking of learning Web Design – Guidance to start

January 22nd, 2020

Hi guys
im thinkin of startin web designing, I have little experience in photoshop, hardly any if im honest. A complete newbie!!
Can anyone help me start off or point me in the right direction?

Answer #1

Answer #2
thanks mate but im just a beginner and need some recommendation on best books
Answer #3
thanks mate but im just a beginner and need some recommendation on best books
those books will be good for beginners…best thing to do is start working on web pages…get some experience under your belt…that’s what I would do
Answer #4
thanks pal
i will definitely check them out – dload on iphone and read in bed tonight!!
Answer #5
anymore tips? for a quick start?
Answer #6
Become familiar in HTML. Use resources at your disposal (Tutorials in Graphic Design, Coding, etc). Sign up at Web Design forums. Ask more questions.
Have an idea and be creative.
Answer #7
You might start from here
Answer #8
You might start from here
wow great website dude!!
thanks very much…


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