statistics/economics – one question please solve it

August 4th, 2016

please help in this assignment please
These data are crime-related and demographic statistics for 47 US states in 1960. The data were collected from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report and other government agencies to determine how the variable crime rate depends on the other variables measured in the study. There have been hypotheses that the amount spent on the police force and unemployment rates could be indicators of crime. Scatter plots of the two potential independent variables appear below. Variables are: R: Crime rate: # of offenses reported to police per million populations Ex0: 1960 per capita expenditure on police by state and local government U2: Unemployment rate of urban males per 1000 of age 35-39 Regression Analysis: R versus Ex0 The regression equation is R = 14.45 + 0.8948 Ex0
Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 14.45 12.67 1.14 0.260
Ex0 0.8948 0.1409 6.35 0.000
S = 28.39 R-Sq = 47.3% R-Sq(adj) = 46.1%
Analysis of Variance
Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 32533 32533 40.36 0.000
Residual Error 45 36276 806
Total 46 68809
Regression Analysis: R versus U2
The regression equation is R = 62.92 + 0.812 U2
Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 62.92 23.51 2.68 0.010
U2 0.8120 0.6719 1.21 0.233
S = 38.48 R-Sq = 3.1% R-Sq(adj) = 1.0%
Analysis of Variance
Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 2164 2164 1.46 0.233
Residual Error 45 66646 1481
Total 46 68809
�Does there seem to be a strong linear relationship between either (Crime (R) and amount spent on police (Ex0)) or (Crime (R) and Unemployment Rate (U2))? Explain the relationship (if any) that you see between R and each of the independent variables. If you had to choose one of the X variables to predict R, which one would you choose?
�Using whichever variable you chose above, write out the regression equation (outputs can be found above). Interpret both coefficients.
�Is your chosen variable statistically significant or useful? Prove your answer.
�Using only your chosen variable, utilize the regression equation to predict the Crime Rate for an area that has an Unemployment Rate of 40 and spends $100 per capita on the police force.
�What is the value for the standard error of estimate?
please help

Answer #1
no, we’re not gonna do ur homework for you
Answer #2
why? no you guys have a look and help me in this method please..
Answer #3
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why? no you guys have a look and help me in this method please..
how rude are you !!! your "why" , "no" " you guys " responses show you have a bad attitude , you can see why you should have done your study and your homework ... getting someone else to carry you is lazy ...

Answer #4
Go to this guys Youtube channel, browse through his regression video’s and you might even lean something. Getting answers on the net is not very reliable unless you post on scientific forums but even then, no one will answer you. You could at least say what steps you have done and what your problems are. Just putting things is not clear and your input data is not clear at all.
Answer #5
i’d love to sit in a class where a guy like that one actually has his homework done for em on a board like this and when he hands it in the teachers sees exellent work. Teacher then goes, “so how exactly did you manage to solve this”. User goes like: euhm…. i dno, board? :p
Answer #6
but please i solved other questions as well please please….. and youtube not working in my country :'( please…
Answer #7
why? no you guys have a look and help me in this method please..
how rude are you !!! your "why" , "no" " you guys " responses show you have a bad attitude , you can see why you should have done your study and your homework ... getting someone else to carry you is lazy ...

i am sorry if you mind it :'( really but i need it asap please i know a economics student can slve it easily
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Answer #8
Economics? This is a whole different ballgame, not much economics about it, you need someone with experience in statistic (academic) research. Also, like mentioned, it isn’t very clear. Anyways, too long ago for me and even then it would’ve taken me a while to figure it out…
Answer #9
Go to this guys Youtube channel, browse through his regression video's and you might even lean something. Getting answers on the net is not very reliable unless you post on scientific forums but even then, no one will answer you. You could at least say what steps you have done and what your problems are. Just putting things is not clear and your input data is not clear at all.
youtube is not working in my country :'( please answer me all these queries if you know please.. help me…
Answer #10
” bumping” ??
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Answer #11
" bumping" ??
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Answer #12
so please answer :/ please…
Answer #13
sorry, we’re still not gonna do your homework for you
Answer #14
i realy need it please…. help me with it i done other parts by myself and i need this one asap..
Answer #15
It is not that everyone thinks you should learn this on your own. The fact is no one can solve it.
Either way, I think you are on your own.
Answer #16
truth has been spoken thanks anyway


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