[Solved] xbox 360 on my pc screen

August 2nd, 2016

Well my television has died on me, so i have connected my Xbox360 up to my PC screen untill i have some money to buy another Television. But i have to keep going into my monitor settings to change from DVI (pc) to HDMI (xbox).
Is there any way of making the task simpler so my monitor will change automatically to HDMI by a script? so when i press 1 button on my keyboard or double click the script it will change to HDMI then when clicked again it will change back to DVI?.
Thankyou for anyone who can reply

Answer #1
I don’t think their is a script for your monitor to change its own settings. My suggestion – Just change it manually, its better than not being able to play your 360 at all.
Answer #2
script will do no good as changing inputs is based on the monitor and not the computer so the script is software how will that change the input?
Answer #3
there isnt any data link between the pc and the screen (other than that used to comunicate compaible resolutions, and thats one way only)
however, if your monitor is anything like mine, disconnecting the pc will switch to the other input. perhaps if you could write a batch script to put the computer into standby and bind that to a key combo?
Answer #4
will try it out and see if i can get anything to work, if i cant then ill do the normal way and go into my monitor settings to change it over each time i play.
thankyou for the replies


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