[SOLVED] Desktop gone crazy!

February 6th, 2020

I was downloading a really big file and I had to leave my laptop on while I ran an errand. When I came back one of my %$#@% cats was snoozing on my keyboard and my desktop had gone crazy! There was music playing and what seemed to be 100 windows opened. They were all Windows windows. I fixed everything I could but every icon/file/shortcut had gone from it’s regular 1/2 inch or so (I’m not sure how big they are normally) to about three inches each! I got rid of everything I could such as shortcuts but some things are text files or actual programs such as my Red Wings DeskSite that can’t be moved. I moved the text files and they were fine so I tried to put them back on the desktop and they were huge again. Icons were huge again. Funny thing…..I use TurboLaunch and it was huge too. I shut it down and when I turned it back on it was back to normal size. Nothing else has worked that way. I’ve restarted four times with no change. Everything else is just fine, no problems at all. Can anyone please help? Before I forget….for those who haven’t helped me before, please don’t don’t give me really technical answers. I won’t understand you. I hate to admit it but when it comes to computers I need the answers dumbed down a bit.
What info do you need to know from me besides Windows 10 Home?

Answer #1
Ctrl and mouse roller to resize the icons to your liking..
Answer #2
Hi Ya!
Thanks for your kind words back in the other section, much appreciated (but I will feel the pain for them too lol)
For starters, if the cat took as keyboard snooze, nothing exciting has actually happened and it can be fixed. Is the text inside a program effected by the size change or just the icons? I would:
– right-click on the desktop and select “display settings”
– make sure you are on the display tab (left side) and in the window you will see a sliding bar to change the size of things
– slide that around to get your screen to be back to your normal
It’s best to do this with no other apps running, as not all play well with hanging their sizes changed on them while they are.
PS: http://www.daanav.com/lock-keyboard-and-mouse-on-windows-with-free-utility/
Freeware app to lock your keyboard and mouse
Answer #3
In Windows 7 (at least) you can go Control Pa > Display and get the windows as shown in the screenshot..
Selecting ‘Smaller’ and ‘Apply’ should give the normal size.
BTW, changing the size and then changing back again can be a handy trick if all icons are not displaying correctly (maybe just showing a blank icon)
Answer #4
This is what the win10 screen looks like: You use the slider instead of the radio buttons
Answer #5
Thanks for the help guys! I had already tried the slider in Display Settings about 20 times with no success. I thought it couldn’t possibly be ctrl and the roller but was right! Thanks for the software too! Now when I have to walk away I can lock it down from the cats.
(Sorry . I figured they’d be gunning for ya sooner or later! LOL!)
Answer #6
Ooops! I closed this out a bit too early! Every time I shut down it goes back to giant icons.
Answer #7
If you use the wheel , it will revert back to what it was sometimes.
Did you ever get the slide to work? It really isn’t a slide really. You have to click about 25% on the slider bar to get it to move to 125% and then way over to get 150%.
I put up a quick video
Answer #8
Not sure if anybody took any notice to what I posted above..
Easy fix..Takes less than 10 seconds..Just keep the Ctrl key on your keyboard pressed and turn the roller on your mouse..
You can even test it here on the forum..You can also use it to resize the icons on your desktop..
Answer #9
I think did what say and it worked OK but reverted on reboot..
There are a few other vids up there with ‘s..This shows the scroll wheel method and some others..
Don’t forget the right click on desktop and click on ‘View’ to change icon size..
Answer #10
The scroll wheel has a known bug in that it does not always save the setting on a reboot.
Answer #11
Speaking of the cat that shat on the mouse mat…and got all keyed up..
This might just give you some purr-fect shortcuts for fixing it in Windows 10…Good luck!
On a different note….It amazes me how Win 10 persists with that useless UAC crap but can’t do something really useful, like turn on System Restore by default!
Answer #12
Well, I don’t know what the cat did but no matter what I try it reverts back to giant icons on reboot. What I’m doing now is I used ‘s method after installing the 64-bit version of DesktopOK. That seems to be keeping it in check until I find a way to fix it permanently.
Answer #13
Well that’s good news, hopefully DesktopOK will hold your settings OK.
Presumably you would be using the fully vetted version..
Answer #14
Yes I am and it’s working great . Thanks for your help guys!


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