set drive letter that doesn’t change between computers

August 5th, 2016

What’s the best way to do it?
I understand if the computer is using that letter for another drive it won’t work, but say i pick like the letter S.
I wanna set my portable harddrive’s drive letter to S and i want it to stay S for every computer i connect it to.
Anybody helpout?
Thanks in advance

Answer #1
For this issue with drive letters as you put it, I use a boot disc for partition management, e.g acronis tools for windows or one of the many for linux.
If you want the drive to be a boot drive then that’s another matter.
You are wrong about if the drive letters, you can change them to suite your needs, e.g When i used to use windows i had three partitions on 1 drive all with the letters “C” when booted. That’s why partition boot up discs are so handy. The reason for this is certain drivers can only be installed to the C drive.
When you change 1 drive to the value of “c” for example then you change the rest to a higher value. The only draw back to this is everytime you want to boot a particular partiton to the value “c” you have to use your boot disc first.
Hiding a partion from boot disc is really handy so you select the partition you want to boot and unhide it change drive value to “c”, change the other values for other partitions and hide them. Hope this helps.
Answer #2
Hmm, it does a bit.
But i’m only trying to set it on my portable harddrive. and i don’t really wanna have to change the drive letter everytime i plug it into a computer. this is because i have shortcuts on it. and the changing drive letter messes with them.
I don’t need it to boot or anything like that.
Would using Acronis disk management be the solution? would the drive letter not change then?
Answer #3
You could make a .bat file that sets a virtual drive letter like so
subst z: ./
and execute this after putting usb in pc, the original drive letter thats assigned will still be there, but at least you can have the same drive letter. You could also add the .bat file to the autorun.inf file, so you dont need to manually run it.
Answer #4
You could make a .bat file that sets a virtual drive letter like so
subst z: ./
and execute this after putting usb in pc, the original drive letter thats assigned will still be there, but at least you can have the same drive letter. You could also add the .bat file to the autorun.inf file, so you dont need to manually run it.

I’m confused.
can you explain that again?
Answer #5
he’s saying simply do the following:
1. go into notepad
2. type subst z: ./
3. save it to your Desktop
4. right click it>rename 5. name it drive.bat
6. plug your external HD into your pc, wait for it to be recognized.
7. execute drive.bat
Answer #6
with the drive connected
hit “win key + R” then put
into the run box
right click the drive and select “change drive letter”
and set it to what you want (S)
do this for all PC’s you connect the drive to and it should stay that letter
I do this for all my USB drives


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