proxy help

August 7th, 2016

i’m studying in a college. the internet provided to us has download and bandwidth limits.
however particular proxy codes helpd to overcome all limits.
for ex port:56349 is one such code
but it isnt working anymore. anyone has any idea how to find out new codes ???

Answer #1
thousands are listed here.
Answer #2
they dont work. only particular proxies with particular ports work.
Answer #3
ok, but did you try this site that was on the google list? it has those.
Answer #4
thousands are listed here.
that is not his case. he was bypassing bandwidth limit using an internal IP/Gateway.
they dont work. only particular proxies with particular ports work.
You won’t find one. Your network administrator has changed/disabled it. It can be anything.
Answer #5
I didn’t see the IP you listed was a private address, whoops. yeah, proxies may not work..


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