PC Keyboard

January 25th, 2020

I have problem with my keyboard on my PC…it is acting very strange when i press Left shift+some letter i don’t get it’s response…or sometimes when i type letters i get letter 2-3sek after i press that letter
please i am in need to someone tell me what is going on

Answer #1
full size KB ?
lappy ?
lil more info plz
Answer #2
Its regular desktop keyboard 101/102 chars with PS2 connector
Answer #3
as a test in a run or search box put
and see if those keys work in that
Answer #4
what did you spill on it?
Answer #5
what did you spill on it?
Yea I thought the same.
May be BEER
Just get a new one!
Answer #6
Does your keyboard have ‘FN’ key?
If so, push FN + Shift and it will take the setting of Shift + Letter = Number off.
You sometimes get this on laptops so it’s strange to find it on PC.
Answer #7
nop its not hadrware problem its somthing in windows iw changed keyboard and problem is same…
Help meee!!
Answer #8
Start > Control Panel > Printers and Other Hardware > Keyboard.
Hope it helps.
Answer #9
Start > Control Panel > Printers and Other Hardware > Keyboard.
Hope it helps.

i know that thanks anyway…
Answer #10
Do a restart point or reinstall your keyboard driver.
Answer #11
This Happend whn i pressed shift+several times letter A
Guess what…Problem is gone for now…What can it be???
look at picture please
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Answer #12
looks like it was an AutoIt problem
Answer #13
looks like it was an AutoIt problem
Whats That… how to remove it??
Answer #14
you never installed it ?
check your add/remove progies and see if it can be removed there
AutoIt is a freeware Windows automation language. It can be used to script most simple Windows-based tasks (great for PC rollouts or home automation). http://www.autoitscript.com/


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