Music files tagging

August 5th, 2016

I sometimes see music files with How do i do this to music files adding my own tag. How is this done?

Answer #1
Personally, I HATE it when people do that, since then I have to re-tag them myself… >.>” But, you can rightclick the file(s), go to properties, and there should be a tab on there which allows you to change the artist, producter, and other info.. ~Blaze
Answer #2
is there a quicker way to do, for a bunch of files.
Answer #3
i Use TagScanner. Damn powerful tag editing software. It can even ranme ur files based on the tags and organize them in folders
Answer #4
anyway to do it to multiple files
Thanks, the program is really good
Answer #5
anyway to do it to multiple files
Thanks, the program is really good

Just highlight all the files u want on the tag editing tab. Chnage what you want and save the changes
Answer #6
Tag&Rename has never let me down. Used it for many years.


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