Mass Effect 2 – Different Releases?

August 5th, 2016

Hey guys,
So, I was just wondering – there is a HUGE size difference between the different Mass Effect 2 releases (14GB for the full one and ~4GB for the repacks).
Taking the 14GB one would obviously be a safe choice, but it will take a lot longer than downloading one of the repacks.
So, my question to you is – can anyone confirm that one of the repacks is working properly? And is there some kind of quality loss, glitches, or anything on the repack? (I really do wonder how they managed to stuff 14GB into 4GB) Would you recommend going for the full release or one of the repacks? (My speed is 500KB/s so the 14GB one will take some time)

Answer #1
The repacks are usually extremely compressed, and take a tad longer to install, and there may be a slight difference in quality with (usually only) videos.
Also some repacks are “pre-installed” in a way, so they only extract the core files needed, and don’t contain the actual normal setup, but a pre-cracked working version of the game, so SOMETIMES, RARELY, you can’t patch unless the group releases a patch themselves.
I’d say the repack is a good choice, it’s for those who want the game up and running as fast as possible, and I doubt you’d notice the slight quality difference in the videos.
Phew, wall of text.
EDIT: Also, repacks tend to have english only, but that shouldn’t be a problem.
Answer #2
Thanks for the answer, !
I started downloading the repack (not the JPN one, the other one), let’s hope everything is going to work
This is gonna be fun!
Answer #3
The repacks have no video files included and are only EN… Personally I’d like to see the video sequences…
Answer #4
With my resolution being 1920×1200 I painfully notice the drop in video quality
Answer #5
The repacks have no video files included and are only EN... Personally I'd like to see the video sequences...
Are you sure there’s no video files?
I’ve looked in other download threads and it said the videos are down-sampled.
Answer #6
Oh crap, true, if you usually play high res, video quality drop will be very noticeable. ._.
I remember downloading the GRID repack, and playing it 1920×1080, video was so blurry I couldn’t see what was happening ._.
Answer #7
Oh crap, true, if you usually play high res, video quality drop will be very noticeable. ._.
I remember downloading the GRID repack, and playing it 1920x1080, video was so blurry I couldn't see what was happening ._.

My computer is crappy anyways, so I won’t play it on high resolution.


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