Looking for an internal hard drive for my laptop

August 4th, 2016

Hi I am Looking for an internal hard drive for my laptop which has a second bay for another hdd.
But i dont know what size i need i think there like 2.5″ and 3.5″ to choose from.
My laptop is an acer aspire 8930g
Ive seen this one @
Its a good affordable price for 500GB but will it fit mine
Anyone know thanks

Answer #1
You need 2.5
Answer #2

we: Select all

You need 2.5
yup you need 2.5″ sata hardisk……..3.5″ is for pc…….unless you want to use external.
Answer #3
anyone know if I can use one that is for a ps3.
I have seen them on play.com and a relitively cheap but I could really use a 1 TB
Answer #4
Do they make 1TB notebook hard drives?
Answer #5
640GB Is the biggest I’ve seen…
Answer #6
Yes I think it’s by western digital
they have announced it but not sure if it’s available yet
seen it somewhere on google anyway back to my question about ps3 b
Answer #7
PS3 uses 2,5 inches HDDs as well. and the max size of 2,5 inch HDDs is 640GB atm if im not mistaken
Answer #8
you need a 2.5 how much are you willing to pay for one?
Answer #9
You wont regret getting it from there
Answer #10

we: Select all

You wont regret getting it from thereHe will if based on his original post, he’s from the UK
Answer #11
here are 1TB 2.5″ drives. Buying an external one and simply removing the enclosure is an option. http://www.google.com/products?oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=1tb+2.5%22&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=LvpMS9ajCdWhjAeXxqjKDQ&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBoQrQQwAA
Answer #12
Thanks guys will check