itunes 64 bit

January 23rd, 2020

Thnx.. I had downloaded 64 bit Itunes 9.02 setup from apple website.. and installed. Still it got installed in the x86 program files folder and is shown as a 32 bit program in task manager… Is iTunes still a 32 bit app.. or is it something wrong in the way I installed it?
I’m using Windows 7 64 bit
Thnx in advance..

Answer #1
you installed iTunes 32bit before ? if yes then remove all iTunes and reinstall it
it shouldn’t go to (86) directory
Answer #2
Uninstall that iTunes completely and downlaod a fresh x64 version from the official apple site. Install it again and make sure that you not installing it in the “Program Files (x86)” folder, because it will be known as a 32-bit application – always be sure to install it in the “Program Files” folder only.
Answer #3
Thanx for the advise.. But I had tried everything mentioned above, I used the setup from apple official website..
Now I tried again after a complete uninstall – still the destination folder is – program files (x86)..
Explicitly changing it to the default program files didn’t solve the problem..?


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