Is it worth semi untethering my iphone
September 23rd, 2013
one quick question about the tethering, it says i would have to connect it to computer if i boot it down, whats involved in it other than plugging it in?
Yea its worth it, thats what i use. If you have semi-tether installed you wouldnt have to worry to turn your phone back on, just wont be able to use any jailbroken applications or mail and safari.
so if my phone is off, and i want to use the mail and safari, i just plug it into my computer and then its usable again?
That is correct Richard.
You’ll need to use Redsn0w to boot up your device.
Just click on “JUST BOOT” option and follow the instructions, takes less than 30 seconds.
Installing the semi-tether mod if definitely a MUST in my book!!
Safari works fine with the newer versions of semi-tether.
richard3490 replied: hey guys, i have an iphone 4 on ios 5.0 . just wondered if its worth jailbreaking it, i miss my jailbreak so much.
one quick question about the tethering, it says i would have to connect it to computer if i boot it down, whats involved in it other than plugging it in?
1. It’s worth to install Semi-Tether
2. If you reboot your device it will work normally (because this new version allows you to use Safari, Mail etc…)
3. When you go back home, all you need to do is to boot tethered with redsn0w.
That is all!
Semi-Tethered is made to allow you using your basic functions of the phone, when you do restart of iDevice, until you go back home and boot it up with redsn0w!