How to sharp images when zoom

July 23rd, 2013

How u can sharp your image when u zoom.You have regular image and then u wanna zoom it you zoom and image is some like too crappy to see good like in original size,Is there any program or something that sharp your image when u zoom in to see the quality of image like in regular quality in regular size of image )))
Answer #1
Well, I guess this is going to be a long reply.
The first thing to know is that there are two types of images, raster and vector.
Raster images, also called bitmaps, have per pixel information. That means that the information at every pixel (color values) is stored in the image file. So these images have a fixed resolution. Some examples are JPEG, GIF, BMP etcetera.
Vector images have the image stored as mathematical functions in them. The image is defined by a set of mathematical equations and do not have a set resolution or per pixel information.
In the case of zooming in to raster images, the pictures go down in quality. The reason is because you are blowing up the picture so as to display the image on a screen with more pixels than that of those recorded in the image. The result of this is that the missing pixels are filled with the nearest approximates of the adjacent pixels (similar colors) and thus, the image looks blurry.
On the other hand, vector images are defined by mathematical functions. So, it is only a matter of scaling the image by readjusting the parameters passed to the mathematical functions to the required size, and so zooming produces no discernible reduction in quality.
So, the conclusion is that if you are trying to zoom in to a raster image, do not expect that a software can produce excellent quality outputs as the software cannot create or work on information that is not already present (it is possible generate the missing data via approximation or averaging of neighboring, but then again, this is not an actual representation of the data and will certainly lead to image artifacts).
Hope this helps. Cheers.
Answer #2
zooming an image brings out it’s flaws and not much you can do about it
you can google “photoshop zoom plugin” and try some of those to see if you get better results
also try zooming in increments (like 125%) and use a blur or smooth filter between zooms then try a lite “unsharp mask” filter on the final zoom

direct zoom to “976px × 294px” with 1 lite “unsharp mask” at the end

zoomed 3 times @ 125% with 2 lite “unsharp mask”‘s at the end
Answer #3
There’s a program called “BenVista PhotoZoom”
Answer #4
Thanks guys you are awesome
Answer #5
Perfect Resizer photoshop plugin is another which is meant to be good, it’s quite expensive.
Smilla Image Enlarger is freeware and doesn’t do too badly.
Answer #6
I use Alienskin BlowUp. It’s pretty good.


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