How to create this effect in video?

January 28th, 2020
@ 16.08 , @17.54
i want to know how to create that circle below the player which moves with the player + leaves a trail

Answer #1
You mean that $30,000 highlight software they use?
Nothing in the consumer market and you won’t get the commercial version they use as networks tend not to leak their software to
You can recreate (well kind of) the effect using almost any video editing software that allows you to add another video track and “merge it” with another one. It’s up to you to create the second video that is just the circle and movement lines.
Answer #2
You might use adobe after effects and use 3d tracking with a circle image.
Answer #3
The issue with after effects and the like is that you can’t keep the circle from interfering with the field / legs/ whatever that occupies the same space without enormous difficulty and with limited results.
If you watch NFL football, you will have seen the CGI line of scrimmage or first-down line. At one point, I know they paid the software company with the tech $25k PER GAME. I know we are not talking real-time processing for this question, but if it was easy, would the network agree to shell out that kind of money?


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