Help with HP serial number Masking

August 1st, 2016

Well, me and my friend are making a game and was on alpha stage. and somebody came in a started messing with our stuff (without access or authorization) and he was banned. we ban by computer serial number. but he keeps showing up, and after being banned about 10 times and figured theres no way around it but to find the source and try to block that program from being used while playing , so… here i am.. we have suspicions to believe he has a program to hide or change his serial number. Anybody know anything about that? never heard of such a program
Answer #1
Still looking are U ?
Answer #2
well, usually I try not to do this, but here ive got no other choice … try google , there are some programs out there , mostly bios patches, updates etc. with which one can update the serial number of the machine by editing the fields needed , OR : this dude runs off a VM , editing the serial number here is kinda easy
Answer #3
Organner has a MAC address spoofer called Chameleon.
Answer #4
what’s a VM? and what about harddisk hide or change?
Answer #5
VM = virtual machine. OS(s) that run inside an OS (say XP within Linux for example). Depending upon machine resourses; one machine can run several VMs at the same time. I use VBox and spoof all MAC addresses on VMs.
I guess one could block a domain but if there are trusted souls within the blocked domain they will be cut-off, too. That’s not even foolproof….
One could probably get through with Tor unless ActiveX or Flash is involved.


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