English Grammar

August 5th, 2016

Everybody! Get in here.
Answer #1
wouldnt this be in the helpdesk?
Answer #2
I fully agree with the two doctors in that junk food....
sounds like the two doctors are in junk food!
Answer #3
I fully agree with the two doctors in that junk food....
sounds like the two doctors are in junk food!

Better now? (I edited the main post)
Answer #4
Moved To Helpdesk
Answer #5
Yup!way better!
Answer #6
No more errors to spot?
Answer #7
Corrections are bolded in red:
Junk Food & Teenagers I fully agree with the two doctors' statements in that junk food, soft drinks, and candy should not be sold in the schools cafeteria, nor eaten in school, since they are unhealthy, and extremely fattening, if the high amount of extra energy is not used. In addition, the lack of certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins C and E in junk food and soft drinks, can cause students to become tired and intractable. In the worst case, a pupil may even fall asleep in the middle of class. Instead of unhealthy junk food, such as burgers and French fries, small and healthy meals with a varied content of meat, bread, and salad should be sold. Soft drinks should also be replaced with a choice of either water, milk or juice. There should be an option of purchasing fresh fruit at all schools as well, such as apples, oranges, and plums. However, I do not think that removing junk food and soft drinks from the schools' cafeterias will cause students to become more focused in classes, nor make them more intelligent. I believe that the greatest reasons for why some students are intractable, troublesome, and/or criminal are a lack of respect for the teachers, bad company, and a tough upbringing. Besides, some students will instead purchase junk food and soft drinks in a local supermarket or at a nearby gas station, if they were removed from their cafeteria. Therefore, I mean that one instead should work more on stopping the creation of gangs and arrange more spare-time activities for the teenagers. This way many teenagers who have had a tough upbringing will only have a minor chance of ending in bad company. In a municipality such as Bl�vandshuk, the criminality and amount of gangs is now drastically falling, after it was decided that a high amount of money should be used to occupy everyone from eight to twenty-five years of age with spare-time activities such as music, trips, canoeing, skydiving, and workrooms. A few years later, the worst kind of juvenile delinquency in the municipality was a bent road sign and a broken lamp.
Not sure about a few though.
Answer #8
Would this version of the last part be better?:
The criminality and amount of gangs in a municipality such as Bl�vandshuk, is now drastically falling, after it was decided that a high amount of money should be used to occupy everyone from eight to twenty-five years of age with spare-time activities such as music, trips, canoeing, skydiving and workrooms.
A few years later, the worst kind of juvenile delinquency in the municipality was a bent road sign and a broken lamp.

Answer #9
Sorry for double post
-Is it “Agree with” or “Agree to” in the following sentence?:
I fully agree to/with the two doctors' statements in that junk food, soft drinks, and candy should not be sold in the schools cafeteria
Answer #10
its “agree with”
Answer #11
Sorry for double post
-Is it "Agree with" or "Agree to" in the following sentence?:
I fully agree to/with the two doctors' statements in that junk food, soft drinks, and candy should not be sold in the schools cafeteria

I agree with the two doctors
Answer #12
Everything is now right. Trust me, I’m British.
Answer #13
Everything is now right. Trust me, I'm British.
Lmao, most British citizens don’t have the best understanding of the Queen’s English, let alone speak it correctly. Many cannot put a couple of words together or spell and punctuate correctly. But the best thing to say about the British is at least we don’t mix up where our Pants should be. lol
Answer #14
Here’s my take on it mate:
I fully agree with the two doctors who’s statements said that junk food, soft drinks and candy should not be sold in school cafeterias, nor eaten in school, because they are unhealthy and extremely fattening if the extra energy intake is not used up. In addition, the lack of certain vitamins and minerals in junk food and soft drinks can cause students to become tired and intractable. In the worst cases pupils may even fall asleep during a class. Instead of unhealthy foods like burgers and French fries, small and healthy meals with a varied content of meat, bread, and salad should be offered. Soft drinks should be replaced with a choice of either water, milk or juice. Additionally, there should be an option to purchase fresh fruit at all schools ….. fruits like apples, oranges and plums for example. However, I do not think the removal of junk food and soft drinks from school cafeterias will cause students to become more focused in class, nor make them more intelligent. I believe the overriding reason why some students are intractable, troublesome, and/or criminal, is simply their lack of respect for teachers and authority due to mixing with bad company and perhaps a troublesome upbringing. Besides, if they are removed from their cafeteria students will willingly purchase junk food and soft drinks from the local supermarket or from the nearby gas station.
Everyone should work harder at trying to prevent the creation of gangs and organising more spare-time activities for teenagers. If this were done then perhaps those young people with a tough background would have less opportunity of ending up in bad company. In the municipality of Bl�vandshuk, crime and the number of criminal gangs is drastically falling. This came about when it was decided to plough a large amount of money into the 8-25 year age group for spare-time activities such as music, trips, canoeing, skydiving, and workrooms. A few years on from this we find the worst kind of juvenile delinquency in the area is minor things such as bent road signs or broken lamps.

Answer #15
Everything is now right. Trust me, I'm British.
Lmao, most British citizens don't have the best understanding of the Queen's English, let alone speak it correctly. Many cannot put a couple of words together or spell and punctuate correctly. But the best thing to say about the British is at least we don't mix up where our Pants should be. lol

Oi that’s a bit cheeky
Answer #16
saturnsid’s version would be the most fluent. I think


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