I just need a little grammar (punctuation) help.

August 5th, 2016

I was wondering if I need to restructure the following sentence (not sure whether the punctuation is correct):
Memories help keep the characters afloat in the sea of struggle and torment. They give scars a background story, they give reminiscence a meaning. They help fill one with hope. They are everything that we ever have and ever will fight for. They help you heal the physical by feeding the emotional. Memories can sometimes be your worst enemy, bringing you to your knees, but memories are basically always your best companion for even in the darkest depths of despair they give your life meaning.
thank you, in advance, to anyone who can help me.

Answer #1
Head to “The English Thread” in OT:
Someone there will most likely know.
Answer #2
I think that looks reasonably good. If I might also add, it’s an excellent statement and it is very much the truth.
Answer #3
I would only make two minor changes:
Memories help keep the characters afloat in the sea of struggle and torment. They give scars a background story and reminiscence a meaning. They help fill one with hope. They are everything that we ever have and ever will fight for. They help you heal the physical by feeding the emotional. Memories can sometimes be your worst enemy, bringing you to your knees, but memories are basically always your best companion. Even in the darkest depths of despair they give your life meaning.
Answer #4
I would only make two minor changes:
Memories help keep the characters afloat in the sea of struggle and torment. They give scars a background story and reminiscence a meaning. They help fill one with hope. They are everything that we ever have and ever will fight for. They help you heal the physical by feeding the emotional. Memories can sometimes be your worst enemy, bringing you to your knees, but memories are basically always your best companion. Even in the darkest depths of despair they give your life meaning.

thank you all so very much, you guys are the best


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