EBAY-Where to publish my product for sale?

July 28th, 2013

I published a product for sale on eBay, and I want it to receive exposure.
There may be some forum that i can publish my product??
Until now I’ve posted the product on eBay’s Facebook
How to make a product to receive number of exposures?
thank you

Answer #1
Make a video of it and put it on youtube
Answer #2
social media sites ?
facebook etc
Answer #3
As in this forum has Helpdesk/ Off-Topic /Requests…….
maybe there is a forum with a section You can publish your products for sale…. like “marketplace”
Answer #4
GAGO replied: As in this forum has Helpdesk/ Off-Topic /Requests.......
maybe there is a forum with a section You can publish your products for sale.... like "marketplace"

Its against the rules to do any trading/selling on wbb so he cant do that…
Answer #5
By the time he’s been here and asked and whatever, the auction will be over and done..
Auctions don’t last long enough for this sort of advertising to be effective.
Answer #6
i don’t want to post here guys….
i look for other forum that he have a marketplace or something else


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