Publish a Spreadsheet

August 6th, 2016

I need to publish a spreadsheet with about 1000000 rows and 4 columns in our intranet site.
I tried to convert the .xlsx format to .htm, but it becomes over sized ( more than 1 GB size).
So is there any other alternatives.

Answer #1
Excel 2003 – can handle 65k rows
Excel 2007 (and later) – can handle 1Mill rows
You could consider using something like Resolver One (now discontinued if you can find it), which uses Python but can be a RAM hog.
Answer #2
I just need to show a spreadsheet file to the users.No data calculation etc is needed.
The users want to search just the contents of the file.
Answer #3
You need sharepoint web services, Upload the file to onedrive or a sharepoint server and open it in a browser
Answer #4
I wonder how much rows can google drive go up to


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